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Cap Gemini Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What would you want to achieve in your first year on the job?

19 83979

Explain a report that you recently did?

4 26049

What you did in scripts?

3 13878

What is IDOC?

5 16752

What are control break statements?

19 50641

what is OSS notes..what it contains?

14 82143

To start a transaction how many ways are there and what are they?

12 42287

What are the Standard output types in SD?

3 31228

what is qtp automation frame work,what is the use of that frame work?

64 174727

What is Paid up Capital?

35 80881

What is singleton class?

16 67622

What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?

10 49965

What are the challenging issues you have faced in implementation project/Maintainance project in SD Functionality? How you have overcome that issue?

2 37879

How to connect oracle database from unix

6 51346

PLease send Me SAP-HR Interviw Questions and FAQ's.

1 8115

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Cap Gemini Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How many types of dependency injection are there in spring?


What is length function in r?


What is jdbc vs odbc?


What is the need for chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in the plant cell?


Differentiate between Policy and Procedure.


What is tableau data extract?


what is the importance of Phytochrome pigment?


What is meant by a feature file?


Does VSS OLE Automation support label comments?


What do you see yourself doing five years from now?


Differentiate between conversion operator “ienumerable"? And “todictionary"? Of linq?


Discuss Specialty stores.


What happens when you install a software?


How to use vlookup for large data?


what is error and fault in terms of software quality?