If A & B are sold together price of A is 20% less & B is as
usual. How will you do settings?
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Answer / rajiv trivedi
Not correct. When you buy A it has one price $100/- If you
buy B it has $50/-
If you buy both than A price is $80/- So there are two
prices for A material. How to create condition record? Just
try on the system it will not work.
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Answer / rajiv trivedi
Hi Subha,
There is no Rebate involved here. Where did you see Rebate
in my question? I did not find relevance in yr answer.
Wrong one.
Ptabash has given some clue correctly. But can you further
check how setting is to be done? This problem was not
solved by 4 sr. sap consultant on the project.
Can you try on system & if it works then & then reply
correctly. Try hard now...
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Answer / subha
I just gave an eg of rebate buit then as you said let me
re work on it
But in condtion table when we do the saving with proo and
kfoo we need to make it in the pricing proccedure .
themoment you give it as proo and rv0001 and again try to
give it for kf00 you will certinly get a error that
proccedure is already there
so instead of rv00001 we do it on zs0001 on dlivery .
however i thinh you also need to make the changes in
customer pricing proccedure from std 1 to 2 or 3 ( trading
or bluk or new)
But let me re check
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Answer / rajiv trivedi
Hi Subha,
You should set up discount in such a way that
1) If A is sold independently no discount
2) If A is sold with B then 20% discount is applicable.
How you set?
If you set up various prices then every time you have to do
manually which is not recommended. I want automatic
setting. Please suggest.
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Answer / pitabash
Hi rajib,
if u v the price for material A ; 100/- and price for B is
50/- and u need to sold it at A; 80/- and B :- 50/- as usal.
In that case you have to create a material discount ( k004)
in which u v to customize for access ( sales org, Dist
chhanel & material)
than crate a condition record for that perticular
material.if you need to give discount everytime to each
and if you need to give to any specific customer then you
need to customize it with customer also . so you can
create the condition record for that .
let me know if m wrong.
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Answer / pitabash
Hi Rajib,
If you do not need to set it as a regular price. u want to
keep both prices for separate situation. so in which case u
want to give it 20% disc. is it customer dependent or it
is only order dependant.
ir this is customer depandent then u need to create the
cond record with the no of customer u need .
If u need it in order only for situation then you hve to
put it manually in condition of that perticular item.
Let me know if not solved ya any thing plz..
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Answer / rajiv trivedi
It is purely on order based & not customer based. Manual
setting is not acceptable. Pl suggest solution for
automatic picking condition types for each situation.
Seems to be tough!!!
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Group materials A & B, and then give a grop discount of 13%
( or $13.5% = $ 20.25) which is equal to $19.5 ( $100 + $
50 = $150 and 13% of $150 = $19.5))ie. nearing to $20.
When A is clubbed with B only, we need to give discount,
which is equillant to 20% of A.
I think the above solution solves your problem. Still
doubt, pl. contact me at my
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Answer / nikitha
If i am not wrong, pricing will not only solve the issue.
The system should pick 100 $ while selling Material Alone, wile it sold with material B it should be sold to 20% less then the Material B,
How the system Knows that material is selling together ?
There fore, you should define different doc type for SO, Maintain Customer Pricing for the both the material, maintain condition records, take Abap/technical help, do user exit to calculate the new price of material when it sold with material B.
The use should select the new document type while doing the SO.
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