i work on sap 4.6c sap r/3,what happens is my sap mmc starts up,database startsup,message server startsup and also the dispatcher,but all the workprocess remain in running state,and they never come to waiting state? Can anyone help me out?
5 14977Hi Al I have a small querry in SAP there are different type of Users one of them is System User I want to know why the system user is created and if created what is use of them and how they are associated with the Dialogue User ,As we all know Dialogue user can perform all work in Sap by logging in the sap server , so why the system user is created and how they are associated with Dialogue user With Rgds
8 14583
before doing client copy you have to adjust table space at os level.what is the single command for that?(with out going through all the menu of brtools)
Myself Rahul am MBA(Mkt)having 1.5 years marketing experience.and in SAP-SD for 1 years experience.am looking for job.so pl anywher opening then pl let me revert.
What are saplpd and tcp/ip print server and purpose? And difference b/w saplpd and tcp/ip print server?
What is the different architecture between SAP 4.7EE & ECC5.0
What do you understand by sap client administration?
I need to change the Company address parameters of a user.
The path is SU01 ->
Explain what is business kpis ?
How client refresh is different than client copy?
how would you troubleshoot the 'user can not print'?
What is difference between oracle 9i and oracle 10g?
What are the daily transactions?
List the difference between asynchronous and synchronous transport?
What are the pre requisite for the SAP Installation?
Is there a difference between user ddic and sap_all/sap_new?
At o.s level where to check for system logs of sap application?