SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Interview Questions
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could you guys please tell me the most frequently asked interview questions about sap crm. Ofcourse please suggest me with answers.

Accenture, IBM, SAP Labs, Wipro,

96 85673

could you please post the Q&A of SAP CRM Base customization, Marketing, Sales, Service, CIC and IPC? Pls mail to my email id Shall be grateful for your reply. murthy

2 13456

can anybody send interview question and answers for SAP CRM. whatever you have. thanx.

1 4812

1).in the project what type of problems a functional consultant can get and what is the solution. 2).list out any 2 problems in your project. 3).in IC-winclient what type of questions can be asked.

IBM, Itzact Technologies,

1 8680

Hi Everybody, I just have joined this Forum with a hope to get help from you all.Last Week I finished SAP CRM training and presently looking for jobs. Any help from you guyzs will be greatly appreciated. To start with if I can get INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS mailed to me at Thank You all.

2 7717

Hi Evrybody, I just got into SAP CRM job market,so if you all kindly help me with Interview Questions & Answers please. You can Email me at Thank You All


2 10461

What is connectivity in SAP crm?


4 11907

what is functionality?


2 7636

why do u do bp search?


6 11790

tell me about Landscape?


5 10505

why we do customization in org?


4 9711

what do sap crm consultants do in realtime

Accenture, MBT,

8 24013

what is the basic THUMB RULE for SAP-CRM

6 12629

Give the detailed structure from marketing planner to service

1 4163

Give the path for creation of service processes

3 6551

Post New SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Questions

Un-Answered Questions { SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) }

How can you create your business Role?


List the primary extension tables for crm business transactions?


How can billing tax be calculated in sap crm?


1.What is the role of webui in crm marketing? 2. What is crm marketing landscape? 3. What are the assignment blocks in marketing business role?


Explain the integration between lead and sale ?


What is Blue Print Phase? What does the document consist of?


What is sap crm?


Explain activity management in crm?


Explain what is logical links in sap crm?


How will you determine ranking values?


What is Sales Methodology?


how to find target group & what is the flow of bp to target group ?


How will you know if the data has been successfully transferred? Where will you check it?


What do you mean by field groups?


Hello friends. i am new in to sap crm.please answer this question. Q1. How will you transfer the data/transaction from development server to QA server or production server? Q2. How will you check the data is successfully transferred and where will you see it