Post New SAP APO (Advanced Planner Optimizer) Questions
How does the data exchange between two systems take place?
which is the best institute to lesrn SAP.APO? WHAT IS THE MARKET FOR APO?
Do I have to maintain the master data twice?
Without info cube can the planning book be created.
Explain realignment
Differentiate between order series and time series data
What is the reuse mode in product heuristic?
what is the diff between balance, account, none (automatic offset methods)?
What about the exchange of data between the two systems?
What is an easy, cost efficient way of installing some standard sap apo scenarios?
differentiate between planning characteristic and navigation attribute
How will you do the 'copy a process chain'
Explain optimiser supply network planning
Where do you maintain keyfigure aggregation?
Explain ppds fixing horizon