how many users do you have
What is the difference between sd account key and fi account key?
what are the organizational elements required for the sd transactions
In a Retail scenario there is a retail chain and it purchasing goods at mrp and selling at same mrp. There is a commision which is to be paid by the supplier to retailer only after sales. How will you do price determination in such case.
How we can allow performance based rebate, is it affecting To billing?, if not then how it affect to accruals? What is Customisation for it? Arun
what is the tax code and what is the use ?
There are 2 materials,for 1 material we need to create credit note (in return order) and for another material we donot want credit note (return order procerssing). is there any standard settings? or by enhancements? then how?
Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their functions? What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used?
How Stock transfer takes place in inter-company.
If customerwants to maintain safety stock for availability what is the configuration we have to do.
difference between iten cat and general item categary? thanking you in advance
what is sales area ?
What is a complete process of SAP SD support & how ticket will come from customer to SAP support team and after solving ticket what support member will do and how that solved ticket will reach to customer ?