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Satyam Interview Questions
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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 25003

Where are the expected results file will be stored? what is the extension of that?

1 9210

Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?"

7 32095

How do you copy the script from source alert?

2 6525

Can you create a field without data element domain?

9 32707

What is the Difference Between basic list and interactive list?

5 9427

tell me about status codes?

2 11133

what are the fields in BDC Data?

5 15954

how you identify errors in call tr?

2 7251

what is Tcode for Basic ALE configuration?

2 7220

what are the stpes in ALE?

2 7733

Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program will you do that one?

4 10944

How you prepare documentation?

2 12169

what is web server?

3 12464

Write a program to reverse a linked list?

8 18449

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When is it not recommended to use MapReduce paradigm for large


Explain the features of mvc in zend framework?


How does ethylene oxide sterilize?


What is a year dependent and independent fiscal year variant?


could i know how to accounting lease intrest ?


generally in LT and MV motors we are using 3.5Coresx16,25,35,50 etc cable for supply.although motors is earthed at two point and having all protection.then why we are using that 1/2 core for earthing the motors.while in HT cable we are using only 3core cable for motor supply.generally lt and mv motors are delta connected and ht motors having star connection.whethere it is having any relation with winding connection( star or delta).all motors i am talking about are dol only.can anybody solve my confusion.thanks...


How do I change the default postgres password?


Define offset voltage as applied to an op-amp.


plz send jto previous papers


Difference between SOSL and SOQL in Salesforce ?


How to use tomcat jndi datasource in spring web application?


Why is jdbc better than hibernate?


Why linq is having select clause at the end?


How to use transition property in css3?


What Is Trend Analysis?