In a Retail scenario there is a retail chain and it purchasing
goods at mrp and selling at same mrp. There is a commision
which is to be paid by the supplier to retailer only after
sales. How will you do price determination in such case.
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Answer / raj
One way of acheaving this si by reabtes. YOu can create
sales based rebates, all the sales that happen at the
stores are accrued against thie rebate agreement and
periodically you raise debit invoices to the vendor for the
accrual amount.
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Answer / rajesh
My suggestion is billing to retailer at MRP price..Later
Vendor can raise a credit note through billing doc..
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Answer / subha
Hi Discounts comes in sales promotion and here the ordder
type you have to used is sles promotion ( vb31) and the
pricing will be based on d sales promotion pricing
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