how pricing procedure isdetermined automatically in sales order?
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Answer / dillip
when we create sales document we assign a document pricing procedure in header part of sales document & that document pricing procedure is also assigned to pricing procedure determination(vk11).we also assign customer pricing procedure to pricing procedure determination & customer also.
in pricing procedure determination we assign sales org, dch,div,then customer pricing procedure,document pricing procedure,pricing procedure.
for this region we automatically get the pricing procedure in sales order after entering tha customer & sales area .
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Answer / siva
Pricing Procedure is determined as a combination of three
Sales Area + Document Pricing Proceedure + Customer Pricing
Once you enter the Sold to Party and Sales Area in the
Sales order, Pricing proceedure gets determined at the
header level
Sales Area - Sales order would contain it ( Sales org+
Distribution channel + Division)
Document Pricing proceedure (DPP) - This is maintained for
Sales Document types.
For eg: Standard order type "OR" would have a DPP assigned
to it
Customer Pricing proceedure - This is determined from the
Sold to Party ( Customer) Master data. you can find CPP
data in the Sales tab of Customer master -Sales Area Data
Once system is able to pick all these values, it would
check the pricing proceddure customisation
Eg - Sales area you have entered in the SO is - 1000/01/01
the order type you have used is OR and it has a DPP - d
Customer "1000" for which you are going to create the
Sales order has CPP - c
If a entry is maintained in the pricing customisation as
1000/01/01 + d + c = "RVAA001"
System would pickup "RVAA001" as the pricing proceedure in
your Sales document. you can find this in the Sales order
header data - Sales tab.
Thanks and regards
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Answer / peace
The pricing procedure is automatically determined during
shipment COSTING
The pricing procedure determined for shipment costing
depends upon the transaction. Therefore, a pricing procedure
is determined for every shipment cost item, depending upon
1. transportation planning point
2. service agent
3. shipment cost item
4. Shipping type
You can also override automatic determination of the pricing
procedure by specifying it in the shipment header or the
shipment stage.
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