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Siemens Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 510170

What is Copy Constructor?

5 19643

How would your co-workers/classmates/friends describe you?

16 35997

Give an example of a time when you had to make a quick decision on the job?

7 32266

What would you want to achieve in your first year on the job?

19 83979

What is an abstract class?

5 10669

What is the difference between creating an object, using 'new' and using 'malloc'?

3 11941

What is a virtual base class?

6 23606

Do you know how to joint the H.T and L.T Cables?

23 59676

Difference between Top down and bottom up approaches for a given project ?

14 107095

What the difference between capital goods and infrastructure.

2 9880

What is the difference between debugging and manual testing?

8 19152

When test plan will be prepared in v-model?

7 17822

when the test plan will be prepared in waterfall model?

3 12731

what is monkey testing?

24 37913

Post New Siemens Interview Questions

Siemens Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do I search for a program in windows 10?


What do you mean by threads in Operating System?


In one room in your game, there's an elevator that AIs will need to use to escape from the player. In order to use the elevator, they have to walk over to a special button on the wall, press it to summon the elevator, then walk into the elevator and press another button to tell it to ascend. How would you design a system to make sure AIs can do all of these things in the proper order? If you have 3 AIs in the room, how would you design the system to make sure they can all escape in the elevator at the same time? What happens if one of them dies while they're trying to do this, and how do you make sure the other AIs don't get stuck waiting for that dead AI?


What is meant by aws ?


To do safe backups what is the feature in mongodb that you can use?


how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS


In razor syntax, what is the escape sequence character for @ symbol?


What is crawl stats?


what is t code of gr/ir report?


What are various types of stock transfer?


Explain how to import oracle sequence into informatica?


What are the types of abstraction?


How many tabs in testdirector and explain them?


Can html5 replace javascript?


Explain the method to enter a journal in gl.