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Accenture Interview Questions
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What Happens when RID Master Down?

4 16132

DHCP Process and which Protocol DHCP uses

2 6178

IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.

6 9297

how to map requirements& test cases in quality center ???


How to put page-breaks in smartforms?

3 18724

how make a bootable dick


difference between step loop and table control?Plz urgent..

3 12018

we have two tables emp,dept.emp has eno,ename,sal and dept has deptno, to find maxsal of each dept wise.which join used for joining.

5 15005

What is the most difficult Ticket you faced in Support Project till date? In many interviews I have been asked this question. How to answer/ handle this question? They are asking/ insisting for most difficult & typical tickets and asking about my analysis and how I resolved that ticket? If you have any difficult tickets which can be easily explainable in an interview then provide me 2-3 Typical & Difficult tickets relevant to SD Module. This is a crucial question in any interview as it is deciding the fate of the candidate success or failure in any interview. If we are telling some simple tickets they are asking for most difficult ones and they are not satisfied with such easy tickets. So, I request you to provide me with 2-4 crucial & most difficult tickets so that I can answer well this question the next time I face Interview-------Thankx

1 11774

What is meant by pseudo-conversation?

1 8739

if i having variables named a b c d e f ,how to find total of each variable ????give syntax...??

6 10058

if we dont want to print output what we have to do..???give syntax..???

8 14610

difference between Trace and Debug ?

2 6336

The Actual Rent was 12000,in the month of Feb i had paid 15000 and in the month of march i had paid 3000. Pass the necessary Journal entry for this.

27 26907

what is shared lookup&persistent lookup?

4 9957

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Accenture Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the default scope of bean in spring framework?


How do I transfer data from one database to another in mysql?


How does node.js handle the child threads?


Give an example of why you would want to denormalize a database


What is the purpose of Airflow sensors?


What is spreadsheet formula?


Explain what is the best way to comment out a section of code that contains comments?


What is the difference between cube operator and rollup operator? : SQL Server Architecture


What are the two types of fields available in ims db?


Ow binding works in mxml components in flex? : adobe flex action script


What are different types of keys?


Explain abcs of endpoint?


Given a table of Player which contains Sno and player name, write a query which finds all possible Table Tennis doubles pairings.


What is motherboard in pc? And why it is called motherboard.


What is a replace command?