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SAP Labs Interview Questions
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what is T.Code to write ABAP program?

9 16282

what is the Tcode BD87?

5 29065

What is the Procedure for BDC?

2 10169

What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?

3 14669

what is the basic means of SAP/SAP-SD

11 24968

What is SQL server agent?

2 8857

give examples of pool,cluster tables

5 29471

what exactly happens when we execute "Class.forname("Driver class name");"?Explain indetail

10 24904

What is Extractor?

2 13051

What is the difference between User Exits and BADI?

5 54207

What is loosely coupled?

2 7984

In Function module SAP provieds Two Standard Exception, give name of that two exceptions.

3 12508

What is the diffrence between RFC & normal Function module?

8 36193

I have student marks in a student table. I need second highest mark .Then what will the query for this?

37 62919

what the SUBSTR(SQUARE ANS ALWAYS WORK HARD,14,6) will return ?

3 18320

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SAP Labs Interview Questions

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This abstract class is correct ? abstract class A { public abstract void Disp(); public abstract void B() { } public absract virtual C() { } }


Explain about the different lists available in the collection?


What is binomial probability formula?


hey, i recently attended 2 interviews and they asked whether I used qamonitor of softsmith. any help on what it does?


What is an absolute path in windows?


How many ways we can retrieve the date in result set of mysql using php?


a governer in an Ic engine controls the


What is the difference between functions and scalar functions?


What is the best alternative to powerpoint?


How the aop used in spring?


Explain how does hadoop classpath plays a vital role in stopping or starting in hadoop daemons?


mention how many ways you can deploy the application in websphere?


How to write the program on full-duplex communication on bidirectional(e.g using two pipes)?


Do you feel that you have chosen the right technology XSLT?


What do you know about traits in laravel?