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SAP Labs Marketing Sales Interview Questions
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SAP Labs Marketing Sales Interview Questions

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How would you perform unit-testing on your python code?


Which components have you used in loadrunner ?


OLE is used for _______


What is an erlenmeyer flask and how is it used?


Q1: Consider part of a control loop, which excludes the transmitter, consisting of a process, a controller and a control valve which may be represented by two dead times of 0.5 min each and three exponential lags of 0.8 min., 1.0 min. and 1.5 min. respectively. We wish to express this system as an overall first order plus dead time (FOPLD) model ie gain, time constant and process dead time. (We will see later that this is often done, to simplify controller tuning). For this exercise, gain is considered to be 1.0. (A) If the transmitter is a flow transmitter whose behaviour can be described by a dead time of 0.2 min. and an exponential lag of 0.5 min. in terms of the overall dead time and overall first order lag how can the system behaviour be approximated ? Overall dead time = Overall time constant = (B) If the transmitter is a temperature transmitter with a temperature sensor in a protecting well whose behaviour can be described by a dead time of 0.7 min. and an exponential lag of 15 min. how can the overall system behaviour be approximated now? Overall dead time = Overall time constant =


In an interview, what r the general questions asked in SQL which is realted to testing ?pls give me anwser to this question?


Explain JSON Objects?


What is a p-n junction diode? State and explain some of its applications.


execly, what was your working profile?


What are the steps to execute session method?


how are reversing the direction of rotation of dc motor


Explain what is the function of parse?


Give the IUPAC name for [Co(NH3)5Cl] SO4


Name some file extensions in Tableau?


What is micro financing?