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2 6824Hi, this is sekhar yadav plz answer my questions with(examples) highest seviarity &lowest priarity and lowest seviarity & highest priarity ???? i want proper answer .. thankq
6 10139Post New SAP Labs Manual Testing Interview Questions
what is Speculative Execution?
Explain the concept of Thread Pool? what its Benefits?
When should I use stringbuffer?
What does sprintf mean?
What are the key features of solution manager diagnostics?
How do you display xml with xslt?
What is the use of conversion file? Name different sections in a conversion file?
How to add objects of other pages to a test frame?
How do you ensure that production processes adhere to quality standards while maximizing output?
Can you add image / icons in web dynpro alv cells ? How?
What are css variables?
What is the difference between Requirement type Determination and Schedule line category determination ?
How you will uncompressed the file? How to install Splunk/app using the Splunk Enterprise .tgz file?
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create a menu which has the following options:cut-can be on/off,copy-can be on/off,paste-can be on/off,delete-can be on/off,select all-put all4 options on,unselect all-put all 4 options off,using event handling in MIDP application