Given the requirements, how will you go about designing them? How will you convert business info to technical info?
2389Post New SAP Labs UML Interview Questions
Why you want to change the job line (i.e. Secretary to Back-ed-process
What is the softmax function?
What is dcf?
What is .net c#?
What is Object Explorer in Pega?
Can you explain why are in-built libraries used for the web services?
How does one calculate the number of rows using selenium 2.0?
What is data structure and its operations?
What is java virtual machine and how it is considered in context of java’s platform independent feature?
Write the SQL query to drop, truncate and delete table.
What is blue prism work queue?
How do you change the font color?
Can web parts and web zones be added to an application page?
the dfhcommara is used to pass information from one application to another. What are some other ways that this function can be accomplished?
Explain the difference between map and flatmap stream operation?