Post New SAP Labs SAP BO BOBJ (Business Objects) Interview Questions
Explain identity operators in python?
why should we choose VSTET(Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers) and not QTP?pleas give me the reasons for "WHY" we have web and client server app, supports power builder and on windows OS so this is the background of tech and envir things we have and now VSTET is good to use or not? if "NO" then tell me why
How you test a Pen?
Explain apipa ?
What is corrective maintenance?
what was the largest sale that you have lost?
How fast is RSA ?
What is precision in data structures?
Explain what is the benefit of using an enum rather than a #define constant?
How to list or view all databases from the mysql server.
How to calibration a control valve?
what how do you initialize a vsam file before any operation? A vsam with alternate index?
What do you understand by reactor pattern in node.js?
what is a bus riser in power system and why it is used
How can you insert a start point in selenium ide?