What is used to summarize data?
How to do callout integration? : salesforce integration
What is the use of exists command?
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What is the use of SOCK_STREAM Socket Type?
How are the words in a url separated?
Why should I use ubuntu over windows?
What is wait stage in bp?
What does indexation mean?
Is webelement an interface or a class?
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What are the types of css?
What is the use of ADO.NET and XML web services?
Hi, There is a session in my workflow which is running for a long time, atlast we found the cause is the missing index. My session is running via a stored procedure. Can I create an Index on the table which the stored procedure is using while my session is running? Please suggest. My Informatica version is PC 8.0.6 My Oracle APPS is 11.5.3. Thanks,
How is Mixer Brush Tool is used?