We are facing problem with the compatibilty of IE 7 and IE 6.We are calling a showModal window that is working fine in IE6 but with IE7 it opens a new Window and Data is not getting poputaled.In some pages it Gives an error "The webpage you are viewing is trying to Close the window.Do you want to close this window".
4 9136Post New SAP Labs JavaScript Interview Questions
Name any two type of event listener that you consider in the workfusion?
What is error ora-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
What is the formula for power gain when input gain & output gain is given?
Is there any possibility for having custom schema at any time when it is required?
What is a Fiscal policy? State its features?
What do you understand by intercompany customers and one-time customer?
How can you use preparedstatement in jdbc?
What is basename php?
What processor architectures are supported by the cloud connector?
How would you add an icon from the sapui5 icon font to a button in an xml view?
What is bubble sort in c?
What’s the difference between @controller, @component, @repository, and @service annotations in spring?
Give the expression for the frequency of oscillations in an op-amp sine wave oscillator?
Please explain that what are the basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb and resource databases? : SQL Server Architecture
Explain the architecture of firstlogic’s global data quality connector for sap systems?