What are reusable objects in dataservices?
How to Creat a flashing icon ?
What are you going to inspect or check when you open the crankcase?
if u ve resrevation for train and u get a number supose 1234xxxokie.after sucessul entering all required fields. now u put that number in search and want to chk wether these ar same or not if both ar same then its okie otherwise test fail.what would be the vb script code for it to compare these two values of different page.
What is the use of @testsetup annotation in a test class ?
What is the feature used to create a personnel no. How do you create a personnel no.?
In wordpress, what do you mean by a child theme?
how buoyancy force is realte with convection?
What are the uses of salesforce chatter?
Is html back end?
Suppose if the variable $a is equal to 5 and variable $b is equal to character a, what's the value of $$b?
how desiel generate sart fail of eb?
how will you unmirror a vg if a pv gets failed?
could anyone tell me what r real time questions been asked in interviews?i am in urgent need..thanks in advance
What position did you prefer in your team while working on your project?