I have student marks in a student table. I need second highest mark .Then what will the query for this?
37 62919how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS
2062Post New SAP Labs Interview Questions
What are the access modifiers available in java?
What are types of scd? : sql server analysis services, ssas
How to Hide the application from the Windows Taskbar?
Explain different types of Caching techniques in ASP.NET?
Where can I see the parameter values in the clipboard ( values ..) I am passing one activity to other?
If i have two 3000 kW motors and the whole facility requires a 10 MVA transformer. What would be better installing two 5 MVA transformers(one for 1 motor ) or just a single 10 MVA transformer for both of them. Give reasons for your answer.
What is @springbootapplication?
write a cobol logic. i have file that has 10 records .1 record go to first output file and second record goes to 2 output and etc
Explain data mover.
What is excel services?
Which framework is best for microservices?
Hello Friends, am new to this forum and am not good at sas progarmming. please can any one of you send me couple of sample large sample SAS Jobs which can you use 200 MB of data and other sas job upto 25GB of data. am doing a performance testing on our legacy systems and new upgraded system. I would really appreciate if you can do me this favor Thank you Priya
What is django used for in python?
What are the difference between empty(), remove() and detach() functions in jquery?
what is the role of cognos comsultant?what actually it means?pls reply