how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS
2064how a programmer confirms that the data submitted has been succesfully inserted into the database(either oracle or my sql).. How a programmer confirm if there is any problem with the program he wrote for insertion
2 5549when a request is generated from apache tomcat 5.5 and goes to oracle 10g or mysql,,, how the oracle or mysql reads the request as apache is a web server and oracle 10g is application server? when the oracle 10g provides response, how the apche tomcat reads it???
1875how we can use debug in myeclipse 6.0 in order solve the problems that exist in our program when there are 900 to 1000 pages in a web application
1848what is the role of xml in core java?? and how we can use it?? can somebody give a sample program with explanation and from where i can read more about xml?????
1985In Open SQL statements such as Insert update delete which one is FASTlLY retrieve the results and which one is Efficient?
4 10155can anyone please explain the main difference betweeen campaign management and trade promotion and the purpose of there usage.
1 3400Hi, I need information about the tables of interactive scripting. Where the script saved in The Crm tablas ? Is there a connection to the Activity tablas?
1 5525Post New SAP Labs Interview Questions
What is a fixed deposit? (min and max periods for the same.)
Describe the scenarios where we go for joiner transformation instead of source qualifier transformation?
what is web methods?
How can I unprotect a vba project using code?
What is Hibernate SessionFactory and how to configure it?
What is "transparent DBMS"?
How is string represented in objective-c?
What is split valuation? When is it used? What are the settings reuired for it?
How do you add a measure in a pivot table?
Explain what is google sandbox?
Is it worth learning php in 2019?
What do you mean by term 'Loan Maturity' and 'Yield'?
What brand of windows are the best?
How we can remove index.php from url in yii?
What are the basic forms of variations?