1.what are all the types in backflashing? and T-cde for it 2.what are the different places we can give back flush indicator? 3.what is product cost collector & its t-code? 4.what are all the costs involved in product cost collector 5.how many types of SOP?what is t-code for SOP 6.scheduling parameters for a production orders 7.how do you carry out capacity leveling 8.can you dispatch capacity for a single work center
3 13397Post New SAP Labs SAP PP (Production Planning) Interview Questions
What is the maximum P-max for a cylinder in M/E.
What is difference between manual scenario and goal oriented scenario?
How do I change text direction?
How do I sort numbers in php?
What does it mean when company says 'no physical exam'?
Why is ram also known as volatile memory?
What are client activated objects and server activated objects?
How style works with silverlight?
Is there any tool used to find bugs or carrying out static analysis?
What do you know about php artisan? Mention some artisan command.
What is the difference between RFC and BAPI?
What newsgroups are available at sharepoint server?
Why did you ever become involved in QA/testing?
What exactly is java?
Explain the purpose of gui map configuration?