what exactly happens when we execute
"Class.forname("Driver class name");"?Explain indetail
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Answer / sangeeta
Class is a predefined class and forName is the static
method of the class which is used to load the driver in the
memory for connectivity.
For eg
Is This Answer Correct ? | 26 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / srinivas.r, -parigi
Class is predefined class and .forName() is the static
method , it is responsiblity of jdbc Driver implementer to
provide a static block as part of the driver class.As part
of this sttic block code will be provided to take care of
registering the driver
EX : --------------****--------
public class Drv implements Driver
static{Driver d=new OracleDriver();
As the sttic block provided by the driver vender can take
care of registering the driver instance of following code
Driver drv=new Oralce.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver();
by providing directly
the above code will be executed.........All the best.
------- Thank u to providing this facility
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / nitin upadhyay,raigarh(c.g)
By using this coding we load the driver.
Class is a predefined class and forName is the static
method of the class. which is used to load the driver in the
memory for connectivity.
For eg
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ram
As Srinivas.r -parigi and Yash already given the straight
forward answer. Nothing i could say.
Thanks Srinivas.r -parigi for giving the best answer.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / prabhakaran
Class is a predefined class and forName is the static
method of the class which is used to load the driver
dynamically in the client machine at runtime
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / yash
In addition to above answers, using Class.forName the
instance of driver is automatically registered with the
DriverManager. Thus it saves us from the efforts of
creating new instance of driver and registering it with
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / shital
Class is a predefined class & foreName is a static method
to load the driver for connectivity
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / girija shankar shadangi
this method creates object of driver class(which contains all he data like address of a driver and all the details of the driver)and registers the object to the JVM.it means making the object available to the jvm,so that jvm can use this object for its further operation internally.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
By the end of the execution of Class.forName("Driver
class"); the driver class should be loaded into the memory
but also
1. The driver class should be initialized
2. Should be registered with the driver manager class
The above two operations are not done by forName() . So a
pure Static() block is defined in which the above two tasks
are manipulated and by which we are able to get connection,
immediately after loading the driver class without writing
any code to initialize the driver class.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / devarathnam c,kotagudibanda(po
Hi... Actually whenever the JVM encounter the statement
Class.forName("Driver class name");The drivers will be
loading into the memory,then only the JVM will identify the
driver to process the database stuff.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
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