what exactly happens when we execute "Class.forname("Driver class name");"?Explain indetail
10 24922I have student marks in a student table. I need second highest mark .Then what will the query for this?
37 62979Post New SAP Labs Interview Questions
What is quantity of cement and sand required for 2000sqft of tiling?
what are interfaces and Abstart classes
what is the description of ipomoea involucrata?
How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required?
If you were the hiring manager, what qualities would you try to find in a candidate for this position?
What does uname command do?
What are .net applications?
what is the advantage of connecting capacitors in delta than in star?
How did you ensure delivery against those standards?
Explain what is meant by polymorphism?
What is enhanced monitoring for rds?
What are components we can add from solutions?
Why saturation region slowly shifted in the left side?
although ckt breakers have taken the place of old fuse. But instead of it , these older ones are still used in the industries and homes ? why .... what are their advantages and disadvantages ? which one is leading and winning the race and competition ?
Should I close img tag?