what is sychronization point in qtp how u put in yr application when it is put wat is its use how it is useful
3 10796if u find bug is duplicated is it needed to again log it .how do u find bug is duplicated using test director as a tool
2 6824Hi, this is sekhar yadav plz answer my questions with(examples) highest seviarity &lowest priarity and lowest seviarity & highest priarity ???? i want proper answer .. thankq
6 10139Post New SAP Labs Interview Questions
Explain scalability in cloud computing?
what is difference between PHP4 , PHP5
What is jdk dynamic proxy?
Tell me how do you separate words in url?
How do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler?
Explain process id.
Considering the specific heat of aluminum is 0.21, iron is 0.10, and lead is 0.03, which metal will show the largest increase in temperature per calorie added to onegram of that metal?
How to display a past time in days, hours and minutes?
Does spring use ejb?
Explain how message is fully processed in apache storm?
How can I change the size of the dynamically allocated array?
Where do you find windows explorer?
which utility is used to sort a file in jcl?
Difference between append vs. Extend list methods in python
Does bootstrap supports all the modern browsers?