what exactly happens when we execute "Class.forname("Driver class name");"?Explain indetail
10 24914I have student marks in a student table. I need second highest mark .Then what will the query for this?
37 62978Post New SAP Labs Interview Questions
Explain what are the different file extensions involved when programming in c?
Explain the fresh water cooling system.
How do we get end points and how many end points are possible for citric acid and di-acid not theorotically answer should be given practically.
What are the features of SAS?
Explain foreach() operation in apache spark?
What is mvp design pattern?
Why use POJO when I can use hashmap
What is myisamchk?
What are the ways to configure remoting objects before client can use them?
What is the process of purchasing materials in manufacturing company ?
Give a brief introduction to data mining knowledge discovery?
Where can I get a Text Book on Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in PDF form.
What is binary tree used for?
What is difference between rb tree and avl tree?
Iwant the old question paper for J.E(Tele.Signal).