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Patni Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is the diff betwn Functional nad regression testing and do u excute same test case or write new one for regression

9 23180

Difference between Equalance class partion and boundary value analysis?

11 38174

what is 4 p's? Exact difference between testing and QA

7 12700

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please..

11 60907

what are the testing methodologies?

6 12794

what is exactly a tracebility matrix?

11 16635

What is the difference between sanity testing and smoke testing

12 21430

what is risk based testing ?

6 11078

what type of diffects we can find while preparing the test plan

3 9044

If I have prepared the test case document for version 2.0 and I got the new build say 2.1 then I have to add the test cases for version 2.1.My question is that How should I do that? because each test case has a unique id .

4 6860

Tell me the test cases for Notepad?

2 30604

If Interviewer asks "Do you want to ask any question to us?" Which questions should we ask to them?

2 10071

How should testers write the test cases without Specifications

3 6492

What actually testers do in Smoke Testing?

18 20698

Who is QA ? and Who is QC in a company? What are the roles of QA And QC in company?

3 8878

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Patni Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do I get my windows start menu back?


Do you need to know if there are any missing values?


What is Java Swing?


What is python and explain some of its benefits?


What is gridfs in mongodb?


What is operating system and type of operating system?


How do I get posts on my wordpress page?


What accessory organ allows bony fish to remain at a certain depth in the water without swimming?


Explain the rudimentary difference between Cassandra and HBase?


What is Rack Awareness? What is its need in Hadoop?


Tell me which two methods are used to discover the url of web services?


Is null equal to 0 in sql?


What is the default left margin in ms word?


What do you mean by data binding?


List out the three main components of LINQ?