Who is QA ? and Who is QC in a company?
What are the roles of QA And QC in company?

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Who is QA ? and Who is QC in a company? What are the roles of QA And QC in company?..

Answer / aishwarya

QA Objective:
- Evaluate the project process in order to identify the
defects so that they can be fixed.
- Determine the ways to prevent future defects in the
project process

S/W QA involves
1) the entire software development process
2) monitoring the process
3) making sure that the agreed upon standards and procedures
are followed throughout project life cycle.

Audits and reviews can be done to monitor the process.

QC Objective:
Evaluate the work product in order to identify defects so
that the defects can be fixed and also to identify the
prevent the ways to prevent the future defects.
QC involves verifying the product with the requirement
It is done by executing software on computer.
Testing is the key technique used to perform product evaluation.

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Who is QA ? and Who is QC in a company? What are the roles of QA And QC in company?..

Answer / beenish arshad

QA means Quality Assurance while QC means Quality
Control... QC makes sure that correct procedures and
standards are being followed in the company and by the
employees... these procedures n standards can be of CMMI
etc. or defined by the company...

QA got nothing to do with procedures and standards...
his/her main task is to validate and verify projects.

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Who is QA ? and Who is QC in a company? What are the roles of QA And QC in company?..

Answer / prashant

Hi Aishwarya,

What ever difference you written about the difference
between QA and QC are confusing.

As per my knowledge:-
QA-Quality Assurance which is done by testers.
QC-Quality Control which is done by QC people. In one
company one group of people will be there who are said to be
QC people under then there will be more than one project
goes on and they have to give one kind of certification
about the quality of the application before it goes for beta

Please correct me if I am wrong!!!

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