What is the difference between low and high level test
cases? examples please..

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What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / madhavi

High Level Test cases cover the whole application in a
broader way. They dont cover the functionalities in detail
but the overall application should work fine. whereas, Low
level test cases cover each andevery individualunits of
code and test cases are generated to test each and every
unit in depth. Low level testing is more detailed then High
level testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    80 Yes 6 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / aishwarya

Low Level Test Cases:
Test cases for 1.Unit testing
2.Integration testing
are called as Low level test cases.

High Level Test Cases:
Test cases for 1. Functional testing
2. System Testing
3. Acceptance Testing
are called as High level test cases.

Is This Answer Correct ?    77 Yes 21 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / sudhakar

High Level Test cases cover the whole application in a
broader way. They dont cover the functionalities in detail
but the overall application should work fine. whereas, Low
level test cases cover each andevery individualunits of
code and test cases are generated to test each and every
unit in depth. Low level testing is more detailed then High
level testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / desampsos

First I want to take a look at the definitions given by ISTQB:

Low Level Test case
A Test Case with concrete (implementation level) values for
the input data and expected results. Logical Operators from
high level test cases are replaced by actual values that
correpsond the objectives of the logical operators.

High Level Test Case
A Test Case without concrete (implementation level) values
for the input data and expected results. Logical Operators
are used, instances of the actual values are not yet defined
and/ornot available.

This means that during the Test Anylsis you are creating
high level (logical) test cases as the steps and data are
often not known. Her you are mostly ceating tables and lists
of test cases documenting the result of such test methods as
Equivalence Class Analysis, Boundary Analysis, Decision
Table Analysis etc.

During the Test Realisation you begin refining the TestCase
into a low level test case by describing the pre-requisites,
the test steps, expected result, post requisites and
assigning concrete data values.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / vidhya

Low level Test cases covers each individual modules in an
application in indepth where as High level test cases
covers the over all application in a border way.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 6 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / nina

high-level test case is a test case without concrete values
for input data and expected results.logical operators are used.
low-level test case is a test case with concrete values for
input data and expected results.logical operators are
replaced by actual values

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 9 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / mahasweta singh

low level testing done at the time of development
which include
>unit testing
>integration testing

high level of testing mainly done after the completion of
the development of the application
its include
>functional testing
>performance testing
>system testing
>configuration testing
>beta testing
>alpha testing
>utility testing
>recovery testing

and other as well

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 11 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / neeraj

High level test cases are those where we test the
individual functionality related test cases according to
the requirements but in low level testing we test the
granules(micro) level of the test case like what is
expected and is actual result.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 24 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / vijaya

High level Test cases are those which covers major
functionality in the application (i.e retrive, update
display ,cancel (functionality related testcases) ,database
testcases ).
Low level test cases are those which are related to UI
related testcases.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 50 No

What is the difference between low and high level test cases? examples please....

Answer / farah

White box testing is called Low level Testing
Black box testing is called High Level Testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 48 No

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