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Patni General Aptitude Interview Questions
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what is the angle between teo hands of a clock when time is 8-30?

11 16322

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from many are there?

14 22120

man walks east & from turns to right & from to left &then 45degrees to which direction he went

9 11442

a student got 70% in one subject,80% in get overall 75% how much he should get in third subject

10 17076

if clouds are air, air are water and so on where birds fly?

19 33658

a man showed to a woman sitting in a park & told to his friend.she is the daughter of my grand mother only son.then what is the relation to him with her?

16 16036

In 29 words or fewer, describe what you would strive to accomplish if you worked at Google Labs.

3 9486

A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than how much time does the man reach home usually... ?

8 15043

DIRECTIONS (Q1-15). A QUESTION GIVEN BELOW FOLLOWED BY DATA IN THE FORM OF TWO STATEMENTS A AND B. ANSWER AS A. IF STATEMENT ‘A’ ALONE IS SUFFICIENT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION B. IF STATEMENT ‘B’ ALONE IS SUFFICIENT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION C. IF BOTH STATEMENT ‘A’ & ‘B’ ARE NECESSARY AND EITHER OF THE TWO ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION D. IF BOTH THE STATEMENTS ‘A’ & ‘B’ ARE NOT SUFFICIENT AND MORE DATA IS REQUIRED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. Q1) How much water is evaporated in 2 hrs from a tank? A) capacity of the tank is 200 litres B) water evaporates at the rate of 1% of the available volume per hour a) a b) b c) c d) d Q2) What is Alberts age ? A) In 15 years Albert would be twice as old as Alice would be B) Alice was born 5 years ago a) a b) b c) c d) d Q3). Which cycle has the least quoted price ? A). The big Indian cycle was reduced by 10% B). The big Chinese cycle was imported at half the Indian price. a) a b) b c) c d) d Q4). What is the 10th term of the given sequence ? A). The 5th term is 208 and 12th term is 2486 B). The 2nd term is 1/4th of 6th term a) a b) b c) c d) d Q5). Is x < y ? ( x & y are real numbers ) A). x = 9 B). y2 = 121 a) a b) b c) c d) d Q6). How old is the father ? A). His first son was born when his wife was 20 years old B). The difference between him and his wife is 5 years a). a b) b c) c d) d Q7). What is the sum of four real numbers ? A). The average of all the four numbers is 20 B). The product of all the numbers is 2040 a) a b) b c) c d) d Q8). Was Rajesh late for work ? A). He took 20 minutes to reach his office from his home ? B). His watch was 5 minutes fast enough he thought it was 10 minutes slow a) a b) b c) c d) d Q9). How many daughters does Naidu have ? A). Kamala and Suvarna are daughters of Yashoda B). Yashoda was married 20 years back to Naidu a) a b) b c) c d) d Q10). How many doctors are there in a village ? A). There is one doctor for every 200 residents B). There are 10 wards each ward having 8 doctors a) a b) b c) c d) d Q11). Among Ravi, Raghu, Ram, Raju who is the strongest ? A). Raghu is taller than Raju but shorter than Ram B). Ravi is the shortest of all a) a b) b c) c d) d Q12). How many children in a class are girls? A). 25% of the children wear bangles B). All the girls wear bangles a) a b) b c) c d) d Q13). What is the loss or gain percent in the sale of maruti car? A). The selling price of 2 cars is 2 lakhs each B). 1 car is sold at 10% profit and other at 10% loss a) a b) b c) c d) d Q14). What is the height of a cylinder? A). The volume of the cylinder is equal to its cross- sectional area B). The radius of the cylinder is more than its height a) a b) b c) C d) d Q15). In a class, how many boys out of 52 students, scored 75% in a Mathematics test? A). Exactly 10 girls scored more than 75% in the test B). One fourth of the class scored more than 75% in the test a) a b) b c) c d) d Please Give me answer urgent

7 10414

DATAINTERPRETATION ( 5 QUESTIONS 10 MINUTES ) DIRECTIONS(Q1-5) THESE QUESTIONS ARE BASED ON THE TABLE BELOW BRAND SALES IN JAN’99 PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM EARLY YEAR K 7.5 12% L 10 3% M 22 -5% N 34 -10% O 16 -20% Q1). Sales of brand M in Jan’98 was what percentage of Jan’99 sales? a) 17.22% b) 24.58% c) 29.58% d) 21.22% e) Cannot be determined Q2). The ratio of sales of N in 1998 to O sales in 1998? a) 43 : 34 b) 13 : 10 c) 23 : 13 d) 31 : 22 e) 54 : 43 Q3). What is the proportion of sales of K, l and M to the total sales of all brands in 1999? a) 36.28% b) 26.19% c) 32.32% d) 12.23% e) 44.13% Q4). By how much have the sales of O and N together fallen in Jan’99 as compared to Jan’98 ? a) 32 b) 19 c) 22 d) 27 e) 21 Q5). Which brand faced the maximum changes in the sales from Jan’98 to Jan’99 ? a) K b) L c) M d) N e) O

1 4538

From 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM it rained 2.25 inches. At 11:00 AM the rain increased to fall at a rate of 1.25 in. every two hours. How many inches of rain landed on the ground by 5:00 PM?

9 28095

rajesh purchase 3 types of candies with 1 doller costin:$0.05,$0.02,$0.01 he purchase 10 candies of $.01 find quantity he buys for different candies

8 9937

You are in a boat with ur mother and father . You got that the boat is getting in the water then to whom u will save firstly ur mother or ur father ? Why or why not?

22 28101

Post New Patni General Aptitude Interview Questions

Patni General Aptitude Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the char data type?


How can a call be made successful? : insurance cold calling


What is web scraping?


What is meant by a bus?


When are stored procedures compiled in sybase?


Explain copy constructor?


Someone kindly explain to me where can i set up in vendor master Cost Center / Business Center / Segments Optional, please help freind. i cant find out. i waiting for my sap group freinds valid responds


What is starter dependency in spring boot? : Spring Boot


Explain about cubes?


Can I duplicate a page in word?


What is the difference between debug and release?


What is meant by ph of a solution?


How to write test cases for Auditing in Health care Applications?


Dear all, i completed M.E(Power Electronics & Drives) 2011 passed out having 78% so i need job in core side but i don't know how can i receive the calls from electrical companies and i uploaded my CV in naukri, times jobs etc.. In that iam not recieved any mails from good companies so give me best procedure plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Thanks, K.Linga Reddy Ph no:-08015402078


What is managed navigation?