How to correlate the server side data, when u r getting more than one dynamic data which keeps on suffel during replay?
2 7566You test the scalability testing by apllying load more than the designed number of users. If you dont know the designed number of users then how you do the scalability test?
1879Case1: recording script, Login in Vuserinit,Body in Action and Logout in Vuserend. Case2: recording Login,Body and Logout in Action itself. Run both the scripts. What are the difference u will find? Is there any difference?
5 14005Post New Patni Load Runner Interview Questions
This microscopic life form is transparent and has an elongated body that is pointed at the rear. The mouth is at the base of the neck, which can be extended like the trunk of an elephant. What is this ciliophora called?
What is overriding?
Does amazon use apache?
What is swing in java javatpoint?
How to get the tag to work with an ATL control?
Can u help me how to See in SAP Form 16 details. T CODE is PC00_M40_f16. my question is How to get computation details through above T COde.When i open through above T Code shows in One Line i.e Gross Salary.I want to see Gross salary detils. is their any other Tcode to see- Computation details! Kindly help me ASAP My mail ID sherya
Explain Final variables in Salesforce?
Is xml schema required?
How do I register comdlg32 ocx in windows 7?
How do I force a program to close on windows 10?
What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?
What is grey box testing?
What is serialization and de-serialization in .net? How can we serialize the dataset object?
How to get DLL function parameter listings ?
What is known as year shift/displacement in a fiscal year?