I have student marks in a student table. I need second highest mark .Then what will the query for this?
37 62919If I have prepared the test case document for version 2.0 and I got the new build say 2.1 then I have to add the test cases for version 2.1.My question is that How should I do that? because each test case has a unique id .
4 6860In JCl which of this activities get executed if act002 abnormally terminates //job001 job ......... //act001 exec pgm=cobo01 //act002 exec pgm=cob02, cond=(01,le) //actoo3 exec pgm=cob03, cond=only //actoo4 exec pgm=con04
3 6889How to check to which web links user has access ? bcoz its not there any option in SUIM for this search and we add web links/reports while creating role. So how to check that ?
2 6992Post New Patni Interview Questions
Can we extract main method from another class?
Using the relations and the rules set out in the notes under each relation, write table create statements for the relations EMPLOYEE, FIRE and DESPATCH. You should aim to provide each constraint with a formal name, for example table_column_pk.
What is the function of f7 key?
What are the key fields in MRP views?
What is a top level class in java?
What are your career plans at American Red Cross?
What is an ami? How do I build one?
i want to know some description about SIM architecture... what is inside the SIM?
What is the current vat amount of aluminium goods like dishes, buckets etc hsn code is 7615-19
Have you ever heard about tds, what it is?
What is mysql uuid?
How do you find a string is anagram or not?
Define the term function request shipping?
for 100 HP Induction motor service factor is 1.2(SF) we placed a VFD at the motor side load is balance with 0.3 Amp's Phase to Phase but at incoming of VFD load is un-balance with 10 to 20 Amp's what will be cause of load un balance
What are the fields of VLAN tag?