Where is unix used?
How do you install/use jquery in a project.
Can you recover data from ssd?
name the components of report net?
What is multiprovider.
What do you mean by general trees?
What do you mean by a scala map?
What impacts will the internet of things (iot) have on the agriculture sector?
what is vibration a part of proceess variable? if vibration is a part variables then how we minimize the actual vibration on machine on load,? vision of instrumentation contrl plz ans me IPGDL interview question
What is a Command to restart/start apache web server?
how harmonics generated in induction furnance? how minimise it?
How can you prevent accessing of the private parts of my class by other programmers (violating encapsulation)?
What is use of settimeout function in javascript?
What are situations where snow flake schema is better than star schema to use and when the opposite is true?
What is pointcut in spring?