Hi, My dataset have multiple records, say 100. I want to start copy records only after a record contain a specific value that may be in a specific position. Secondly I want to stop copying rest records if certain record contains a specific value. Can it be done using SORT/ICETOOL utilities?
5 11547i created one base gdg with lrecl = 100 , now i need to create versions with different lrecl =150,200 can it be possible to create like tht ?
1 9319In JCl which of this activities get executed if act002 abnormally terminates //job001 job ......... //act001 exec pgm=cobo01 //act002 exec pgm=cob02, cond=(01,le) //actoo3 exec pgm=cob03, cond=only //actoo4 exec pgm=con04
3 6638in my jcl have 20 steps step1,step2,.... step20.and i have to execute step1,step2,..and skip the step3 and remaing step4,step5 are execute? i want skip step3 only? what code u can write?
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