two tables from two different databases r there . both having same structure but different data . how to compare these two tables ?
10 23273Hi, Can someone send me the DWH and Informatica FAQ's at Thanks in Advance, preeti
1 4534following table source target name gender name target a1 male a1 female a2 female a2 male i want a1 female update to target how will do?
2 5439I have scenario, i have 10 worklflows and i want run the 1st workflow first and immediately i want to run 10th workflow has to run and am not bothering of 2 to 9 workflows? can any one help me how to do this? Thanks in advance.....
4 8336hi,there is a scenario like. there are three columns empid,salmonth, sal contains the values 101,jan,1000 101 feb 1000 like twelve rows are there then my required out put is like contains 13 columns empid jan feb marc.......dec and the velues are 101 1000 1000 1000 like this . thank you
5 9111In dept 10, 5 emp sal, i want to do sum of dept 10 emp sal. Is there any othere transformation than the aggrator? if yes how?
5 9479we have tables like c1 a c2 b c3 c c4 x c5 y and i need output like abcx in a single row and abcy in a single row? how do u do this?
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