how to create average on totals of different departments employees salary...? consider we have 3 dept and in each dept 10-15 workers i need to get the totals separately for each dept and average of there me pls
2 5747Post New Patni Cognos Interview Questions
How do you kill a process?
Explain types of indexing in dbms?
What is a web api? Which protocol is used in a web api?
How to write email id in world wide web
Explain what is the benefit of using #define to declare a constant?
Is there an update statement?
How does cluster communication happen?
What is Serialization in .NET? what are the types of Serialization?
how to caluclate tds from emloyees and others
in solaris file sysrm is full what u do?
What a pipe?
What is secondary namenode? Is it a substitute or back up node for the namenode?
what is the compile process of cobol program expalin with code
How do I connect to postgresql using putty?
What do you figure the internet of things can totally supplant the human personality and take its very own choices?