what is 4 p's?
Exact difference between testing and QA
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Answer / rsntallapudi123
It is Prodcut level activity.
Here the primary principal is Validation.
It follows the procedure that is prepared by QA.
Its principle is detecting & reporting defects.
It is Organizational activity.
Here the primary principal is Verification.
It prepares the procedure that is to be followed by the
development and Testing team.
Its principle is preventing Defects.
Please correct me
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Answer / madhu
1 Test polocy,(company level doc)
2 Test Process(testing approch,inetiation)
3 Test plan,(teamsize,schedule...)
4 Test procedure,(design tc,and flow)
any comments pls mail me
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Answer / sujan
For Difference between Testing and QA
check out
Pls. check out the site before posting questions.If you
didn't found what you are checking in the site then onlu
post so that repetetion not occured
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Answer / shivanibehere
The 4 P's of Interviewing---
1. Preparation.
2. Practice.
3. Personal presentation.
4. Pertinent questions.
Difference B/W Testing and QA--
1)Testing consider the testing of the application,
whereas QA ie Quality Assurance is contain both
Testing and the Programming process.
2) Tester has the authority of one or some module only for
the testing ie only to find out the bugs .
whereas in QA ,QA has the responsibility put
his/her control from starting to end.
3)Testing comes after the Coding Stage.
whereas QA works from the project start to
project end.
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Answer / sumath_620
can any one tell me what is 4p's in tester point of view in
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Answer / san....@
4P's are :
2)Process /Procedure
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Answer / vikram
as far my knowledge concern....
Main objective of QA is to avoid the slippage of defects in
to next stage. i.e. reviewing
Testing is nothing but Quality control.
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