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Patni ASP.NET Interview Questions
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Describe the role of inetinfo.exe, aspnet_isapi.dll andaspnet_wp.exe in the page loading process?

1 8426

Can two different programming languages be mixed in a single ASMX file?

1 8487

I have a method written in WebForm (means .aspx page) & now I want to call this method in WebUserControl (means .ascx page) what should I have to do?


I have a method written in WebForm (means .aspx page) & now I want to call this method in WebUserControl (means .ascx page) what should I have to do?

1 7067

what is clr .

1 3109

what is use to destroy an object? illustrate.

2 3983

What is the differances between a abstract calss and interface

2 4134

what is a virtual class?

1 3419

what is webservices. howit is use in our project .

1 3061

What is role manager work in web.config? how to restrict perticular pages from the users using the role manager?

1 3576

can we transfer data from one page to another page using viewstate if so how?if not y?

1 5097

What are Http handler ?

1 3758

what are partial classes and their use?

1 4215

What is Difference between Callbacks and Postback in ASP.NET?

1 4835

How do you define authentication in Web.Config?

2 4484

Post New Patni ASP.NET Interview Questions

Patni ASP.NET Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is port 443 normally used for?


Test cases have written according to Flow of the software working or according to Screens?


How do I calculate my font size?


What is database white box testing and black box testing?


For water content determination, if the material is insoluble in methnaol and ethylene glycol mono methyl ether, what other diluent can we use.


Explain the need of the timer control in ajax? : ajax


Mention what are the categories of defects?


i have 10 names in an array and my name is one of them also array is not in sorted order i need to display my name using index how will i do this


In a header file whether functions are declared or defined?


What is journal recovery?


Can you define analytics?


What is the role of small and medium enterprises in uplifting the economy?


Chief Minister & Governor of your home state


You seem to be over-qualified and too experienced for this job. What you have to say?


How do I match two columns of data in excel?