A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than usual.in how much time does the man reach home usually... ?
8 15058I have a method written in WebForm (means .aspx page) & now I want to call this method in WebUserControl (means .ascx page) what should I have to do?
1861I have a method written in WebForm (means .aspx page) & now I want to call this method in WebUserControl (means .ascx page) what should I have to do?
1 7073Post New Patni Interview Questions
What are the bugs we cannot find in black box?
How do I create an index cross reference in word 2016?
Why talend when there are many other etl tools available?
which material is suitable for punching press to avoid scratches amd waear of metal hittimg the blades?
How can you determine lifespan of custom controllers ?
Explain load look up in sqr, where did you use?
Can multiple clients write into a Hadoop HDFS file concurrently?
Does php support overloading?
Explain Piping Stream?
What is db2 stogroup?
What are instant sizes of azure?
What are the various criteria to choose the microcontroller?
Explain animate function in jquery?
What purpose does the model database server? : sql server DBA
Do you think a politician's private life is newsworthy? Why or why not?