how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?

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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / thammera

This confirm dimenstion methodology.If a dimension table is
connected to more then one Fact table is called confirm

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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / raj

Fact Tables are connected by confirmed dimensions, Fact
tables cannot be connected directly, so means of dimension
we can connect

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 8 No

how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / dinesh

Two fact tables can connect thru constellation schema. It
is different from Star and snowflake schemas. In
constellation schema , we can join to fact tables
surrounded by dimensions.

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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / itesh

Yes it’s possible,

Since after all its a table, if you have the proper
relationship no problem,

Conceptually it’s correct to have a have confirmed
dimension but it can be manipulated,


I have one fact a table FACT EOD this year i have joined
with EOD FACT Last year with time id .its working fine

If you have two fact table A and B then create a derived
table from B Of the required key and measure only and join
with original fact table A ,

Better check with a sql query.

Nothing is impossible……


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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / mallika

We can connect two fact tables by using constellation
schema or galaxy schema.
we have 3 types of schemas

constellation or galaxy

in star schema we have data redundancy.we do not normalize
dimension tables.
in snowflake we normalize dimension tables to reduce space
boyh star aand snowflake we use only one fact and many
dimesion some situations we have to use more than
one fact table then we use constellation.but its vary
rarely used

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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / 9885657928

Ya it is possible to connect the two fact tables By using
Eg:Hybrid schema or Gelaxy schema

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / vams_gk


[sales fact]<.........>[customer fact ]
| |
dimentions x,y,z dimentions a,b,c

when u applied join between two fact tables u will get a
confriemd dimention

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 9 No

how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?..

Answer / nethaji

Yes,We can connect two fact tables by using confirmed
dimension indirectly or directly by confirmed fact.Here when
a fact appears in more than one fact table we can join using
this fact.
fact table 1 fact table 2
------------ ------------
measures maesures
revenue <=======> revenue

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 12 No

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