How to correlate the server side data, when u r getting more than one dynamic data which keeps on suffel during replay?
2 7326You test the scalability testing by apllying load more than the designed number of users. If you dont know the designed number of users then how you do the scalability test?
1785Case1: recording script, Login in Vuserinit,Body in Action and Logout in Vuserend. Case2: recording Login,Body and Logout in Action itself. Run both the scripts. What are the difference u will find? Is there any difference?
5 13633In select-options,how to make high as madatory.....?if we use obligatory we'll get the low as madatory by default?
6 22376Post New Patni Interview Questions
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Is internet explorer still supported?
What is nsdictionary in swift?
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mention the option (along with argument type) used in a cics command to retrieve the response code after execution of the command?
How do I undeclare an xml namespace prefix?
What are the advantages Information System Architecture Framework in term of analysis and system design
What are some examples of a reversible reaction?
What is search console? Why do you use search console.
How do you ensure culturally sensitive care when diagnosing and treating hematologic conditions, especially when dealing with patients from diverse backgrounds?
Is quicksort a stable sorting algorithm?
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A company canteen needs an automated system for its food and beverage management. The canteen receives food and beverage items from different distributors. All the non perishable items are stored in the store-room and the perishable items are put in the fridge. The manager should be able to add, delete or update food and beverage items onto the system and perishable and non perishable item details are to be stored separately. Both waiters and the cooks should be able to update the perishable items, but only the cooks should be allowed to update the non perishable items. Both cooks and waiters are not allowed to add or delete any items that are entered. identify the Schema, Table , Fields