Explain the inside concept in select-options?
what is the Currency and Quantity field in BDC?
who is vendor?
Is it possible to pass data to and from include programs explicitly?
if there is no top-of-page event in reports then what happens?
3) What happens if there is no CLOSE_GROUP in a BDC.
what is diff b/w user exits and cutomer exits
5 Answers Deloitte, iYogi Technical Services,
Explain how to create any functions? How to go about it?
What are Views, how they were useful. Types of Views
What are some control break events in abap?
i am new for sapabap. i want to about sapabap it is easy to learn or not ple give me answer. i am feeling about programing. ple give me answer.
What is the program flow of BADI(step by step)?
difference between user exit and bdi