what is the Currency and Quantity field in BDC?
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Answer / anurag
In BDC, for currency, quantity, date and time fields you
need to take the data into a char variable of enough length
and use WRITE TO statement to take care of user settings.
EG: WRITE l_curr TO l_char CURRENCY 'Currency code'.
CONDENSE l_char.
Pass l_char to BDC.
It will work fine.
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Answer / gaurav patwari
There is not such bifurcation of type of the field you have to take character fields with the same length and use it in you BDC.
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Answer / saravana
for currency and quantity fields one cannot use sap defined
fields in bdc, instead it has to be made user defined
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / pankaj
if we'r having the FM for conversion of currency and
quantity fields, so it should have to upload by the domain
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 4 No |
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