what is diff b/w user exits and cutomer exits
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Answer / chinna rayudu
User Exits: 1.These are forms, so they are called by sap
standard programs using perform.
2. Inside the form you can read and change almost any
global data from host program.
3. User exits doesn't have any clasification.
4. These are basically desined for SD module only
Customer Exits: 1. These are functions, so they are called
using call functions.
2. Inside the function you can only access your
3. These exits have function, module, screen exits.
4. These are available for mm, sd,fi, hr almost for all
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Answer / dushyanth kumar
User exit - A user exit is a three character code that
instructs the system to access a program during system
SXX: S is for standard exits that are delivered by SAP.
XX represents the 2-digit exit number.
UXX: U is for user exits that are defined by the user. XX
represents the 2-digit exit number
Customer exit - The R/3 enhancement concept allows you to
add your own functionality to SAP’s standard business
applications without having to modify the original
applications. SAP creates customer exits for specific
programs, screens, and menus within standard R/3
applications. These exits do not contain any functionality.
Instead, the customer exits act as hooks. You can hang your
own add-on functionality onto these hooks.
User exits are basically modifications done to the std. pgm
for whic u need to have access code,this is not reccomended
in sap as during upgradation none of the mod. will come
In contrast customer exits are enhancements done to the
std pgm in the space provided by sap so that during
upgrading versions this also will be available.
Customer exits types
Function exits, Field exits, screen exits.
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Answer / sateesh r
user exit:
user exits in the form of subroutiens.
For user exit we need Access Key.
it can be used for SD module.
Customer Exit:
for C.Exit we dont want Access key.
In customer Exit we have function module exit
menu exit
screen exit.
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Answer / sreenivasa rao yarru
user-exits not come under enhancement
but custmer exits are enhancements
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Answer / swamy
user_exit:in the form of the subroten this is mostly using
Sd module
customer_exit:in the form of the function module .
It has a four types
1.screen exit
2.menu exit
3.function exit
4.field exit
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