What is meant by payscale structure? How did you configure pay scale structure? : sap abap hr
i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?
can you call a bdc program from report program?
1 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
could you tell me the difference between an INTERFACE AND CONVERSION?
wat is the difference between ALE & EDI?
How to create MEDRUCK form?
How to insert row in an Internal table?
Do you know how to manage the sequence of passes in a Form?
In scripts, i have 10 address lines there were blanks in between rows how can i avoid those
How do you use structures in the abap programs?
What is the collect statement?
When will the current screen processing terminates?
Any once please tell me some interview questions regarding Smartforms?