i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the
table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?
What are the different modules of sap? : sap abap hr
Why is bdc _cursor and GET_Cursor used?
the sap standard SAPSCRIPT for picking a list ?
What is the difference b/t Session method and call transaction method ??
1 Answers Campus Interview, ERP Solutions,
i have a requirement that design window in layout of smartforms but when we print smartforms window should not be printed?
What’s value table?
What are the user groups?
What are the steps carried the ALE?
What are the organizational related infotypes? : abap hr
In table maintenance generator, how to restrict the values that has to be shown for one field for a particular user ?
i have a doubt ,what is the difference between the workarea and headerline . plz tell me .
What is the function of the transport system and workbench organizer?