Do you know how to manage the sequence of passes in a Form?
what is OSS?please answer if anybody knows
How to call a subroutine in sapscript?
what is was server in sap
Why do we need enhancements?
How many types of size categories and data classes are there?
Suppose there is check box along with the rows. The requirement is, select the require check boxes and press a used defined button to save all these checked row data to another table. How can you do it?
Business scenarios related to your objects( In my case -Rulebook and Pricing work flow)
What is ole?
what is the table name of stock of material
Is logo in script 1st stored as tiff format before uploading or in jpeg format?and where is that stored after uploading?
How can you change the style of Logo or type of Logo?
What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?