What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?
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Answer / rams
hello friend,your answer is correct,but iam adding some
Consignment Info Record create with material and vendor.
Consignment Purchase Order (create with item catagery k)
Goods Receipt with movement type 101K
Consignment Stock to Own Stock,Transfer posting with
movement type 411 k
Goods Issue to direct consuption 201K
settlement through--mrko
Is This Answer Correct ? | 142 Yes | 1 No |
Consignment Info Record
Consignment Purchase Order
Goods Receipt with movement type 101K
Consignment Stock to Own Stock,Transfer posting with
movement type 411
Goods Issue to direct consuption 201K
Is This Answer Correct ? | 35 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / manpreet singh
Consignment is the act of consigning, which is placing a person or thing in the hand of another, but retaining ownership until the goods are sold or person is transferred. This may be done for shipping, transfer of prisoners, or for sale in a store (i.e. a consignment shop).
the material is at customers place and customer use it in portions and pays accordingly,liability of material is with vendor till
like in case of pertochem , it is been stored at refinering company premises adn the ref comp use it in portions and pays accordingly aslo the ref company get paid for the premises place
Features of consignment are:
1.The relation between the two parties is that of consignor and consignee and not that of buyer and seller
2.The consignor is entitled to receive all the expenses in connection with consignment
3.The consignee is not responsible for damage of goods during transport or any other procedure.
4.Goods are sold at the risk of consignor. The profit or loss belongs to consignor only.
in SAP consignment scenario is as follows
Consignment Info Record create with material and vendor.
Consignment Purchase Order (create with item catagery k)
Goods Receipt with movement type 101K
Consignment Stock to Own Stock,Transfer posting with
Movement type 411 k
Goods Issue to direct consuption 201K
Settlement throughu2014mrko
or Follow below links for more clear help.
Consignment scenario in SAP:
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Answer / snidagundi3@gmail.com
Consignment cycle
Create consignment info record - ME11
Create PO with item category K - ME21N
GR 101 - MIGO - No accounting document generated
consignment to Own - MB1B with movement type 411K - Accounting Doc generated
Goods issue to production - 201 K or 261 K
Settlement - MRKO
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / rajesh
Consignment Info Record
Consignment for pr
consignment for po wrt pr
gr w r t consignment po
transfor posting for vendor Consignment stock to our own
good issue from vendor Consignment stock to production or
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / jay
Create Material master with MRP view , in the MRP2 View -> Special Procurement -10 Consignment
Create Info record with info category – Consignment ( Mandatory)
Create PO
Goods receipt with Ref. Consignment PO & Movement Type : 101
transfer posting with ref. consignment Material Master & Movement Type 411 K
Save the Condition: MRM1 – KON
Settlement T code: MRKO
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Answer / sandeep kajal
you can learn free sap mm on android mobile in most easy way with step by step snapshot
click here to download app https://bit.ly/2JRfOlx
Content of SAP MM app
1. Basic sap mm tutorial
2. Important sap mm t_codes
3. Sap mm tables with fields
4. Important keyboard shortcuts
5. Interview q/a
6. Movement type list
7. Submit your issue
click here to download app https://bit.ly/2JRfOlx
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Answer / nagendra
1.Create Consignment info record.
2.create PO with item category K
3.create Goods Receipts with 101 k
4. Convert the stock to our own stock 411
5. Make a payment with MRKO
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Stock is in Customer premises whenever ```
1) First we need to create consignment info record using T-CODE= ME11 maintain price,quantity and tolerance for particular vendor and material.
2)create PR/PO with item category 'K'
3)Do goods receipt with 101 k
4) Convert the stock into our own stock 411 or goods issue with 201
5)Make a payment with MRKO
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