Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?
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Answer / tsrinu5
no,not possible in a quotation, but we can pull from
info-record and quota arrangement.
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Answer / tsrinu5
no,not possible in a quotation, but we can pull from
info-record and quota arrangement.
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Answer / ananya
Depends on the document type.
If In Customising you have allowed time dependency of
document type for quotation then scales can be entered.
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Answer / sowmya
no it is not possible to maintain scales in quotations it is
possible in info records
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Answer / saurabh
Yes it is possible.
Master conditions have property of being time dependant. and Scales are possible in master conditions.
RFQ and Scheduling agreement document types can be configured both as time dependant and time indipendant in SPRO configuration.
When they are setup as time dependant having validity periods, scales can be maintained.
Scales are always possible in info records and contracts because they are always time dependant
Saurabh Patil
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