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KPIT Interview Questions
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Why TCP and IP are written all together as TCP/IP?

8 31590

What is share script?

15 57782

What are concepts of OOPS and how are they implemented in Java?

2 7357

What are the ways to define classes that can be run as threads?

1 5777

What is Entity Bean and Session Bean?

1 5032

What is the major difference SessionBean and EntityBean?

3 7497

Tell me difference between Container managed persistent bean & Bean managed persistent bean?

1 5491

what is meant by servlet to servlet communication?

1 8658

What is the need for modulation?

82 298206

Difference between Include, Forward and sendRedirect in Servlet?

7 70695

Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation?

8 21652

what is cut over strategy?

7 53806

what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector

19 45207

What are the two user exits you have used in your project?

2 6686

what is latest version in reports

3 6731

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How we can layout subviews in a view?


Describe Cell culture contaminations ?


How do I change the color of a form in visual basic?


can anyone provide apgenco previous question papers and materials to this id


Define slowly changing dimensions (SCD)?


When coding the ABAP transfer rule, what are the important variables you make


What are the local and global variables in python?


What is the purpose of "self" in python


Is it a good sign when thick smoke comes out of a Oil vapor extraction fan of a steam turbine oil sump? What does it indicates?


You are designing a user control. You created new property called backgroundimage which is of type image. You wanted to disable storing this property in the user’s form. How to achieve this?


When should one use mean absolute error over root mean square error as a performance measure for regression problems?


Explain how can you do the explain of a dynamic sql statement?


how will u create diff types of scenario for any website?


What is the importance of ms word?


What are the central interfaces of the R/3 system?